Showing 1-4 of 4 items.

mp4 [UdemyCourseDownloader] Tech Explorations™ Arduino Robotics with the mBot

Hot:211  Size:1.87 GB  Created:2019-12-22 11:05:24  File Count:101

2. Meet the mBot/3. Assembly Chassis, motors, wheels, sensors.mp4  195.11 MB
2. Meet the mBot/5. Assembly Wiring, batteries, controller.mp4  141.42 MB
3. Programming the mBot using a tablet/2. Demonstration of MakeBlock.mp4  135.16 MB
2. Meet the mBot/2. Parts in the box.mp4  125.5 MB
6. Create the line follower program/2. Introducing the line sensor.mp4  76.73 MB